Lithuanian – Ukrainian Art Project „4+4“
Pavlo Gudimov
participating artists
Mykola Matsenko, Pavlo Makov, Vlada Ralko, Stas Voliazlovsky.
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius Graphic Art Centre and Kiev Contemporary Art Centre Galerry "Ja galerija"
The exhibition was held
2008 11 04 – 22
This exhibition is a part of the joint Lithuanian-Ukrainian art project “4+4”. During the project, in 2008 and 2009, four contemporary lithuanian art exhibitions are to be presented in Kiev as well as four contemporary Ukrainian exhibitions are to be presented in Vilnius.
In July, 2008, in Kiev Contemporary Art Centre Galerry “Ja galerija” exhibitions of four Lithuanian artists have been presented. The project is continued by exposition of contemporary Ukrainian graphic art “Art Against Rules”.
Four Ukrainian graphic artists are presenting their works in Lithuania in an unusual way: they are bringing the entire exhibition in their rucksacks. The trick is to avoid unpleasant customs situations with transporting art. Artists face these problems too frequently, so the idea of easily-transported art appeared almost immediately. Nevertheless, this exhibition features the most known and recognized Ukrainian graphic artists.
Pavlo Makov’s work “1000 Years of Independence,” whose name speaks for itself, can easily be put in a folder slightly larger than A4 format. But this work/puzzle is small only at first glance. The “Gifts of the Fields” series by renowned Ukrainian artist Mykola Matsenko was made on school notebook paper. Matsenko is probably the most of Ukrainian-oriented artist. Vlada Ralko’s works were made especially for the Arts against Customs project. According to the artist, in case of conflict, they can be eaten without fatal affects to your health. Stas Volyazlovsky also created his graphic works for the exhibition in Vilnius and approached the issue of easy transport through practicality – soft Polish toilet paper and paper towels.