2022 06 10 - 25

Tado Gindrėnas. „Environment“

  • organizer

    Vilnius graphic art centre

  • Partly funded by

    the Lithuanian Council for Culture and Lithuanian Artists’ Association

  • opening

    2022 06 10, 18.00 h.

  • the exhibition was held

    2022 06 10 - 25

On June 10–25, 2022, an exhibition of works by Tadas Gindrėnas titled “Environment” will be on display at Vilnius Graphic Art Centre’s Kairė-dešinė gallery. The opening will be held on June 10, from 6–8 pm.

Tadas Gindrėnas’ newest series of linocuts is dedicated to an individual’s sensations in the city – the relationship with architecture, the contact with trees, vegetation, sunrises and sunsets, even with the smog that occasionally wraps the city in a dense haze. The city relentlessly expands; new residential blocks are built and public spaces are constructed, while nature is gradually expelled. Do we miss it? How does the loss of the primeval environment (nature) manifest itself in people’s daily life?

This series is anthropological rather than ecological. The artist analyses various states, remembering and reminding us that we are part of nature too. Now, when we wear masks, the city also appears to be masked, looking distant and alien, but the breath of nature warms it together with us. The author claims that he seeks to reveal the light and shadows with plastic means, to convey ‘how frighteningly quiet nature is in the neverending hum of the city’, and to expose the reflections of nature strangulated by the city in the eyes and faces of the city dwellers.

Tadas Gindrėnas (b. 1979) graduated in Graphic Art from Vilnius Academy of Arts (2000–2008). He has held solo shows in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, and Panevėžys, and takes part in exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. In his work, the artist employs the traditional linocut technique, which does not hinder him from playing with elements of popular culture. Gindrėnas addresses the topic of the social cityscape, focusing on the reflection of urban culture in people as well as the interplay between the human in the city and the city in the human.

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