An Argentine look: Graphics in the Bicentenary
2010 06 29 (tuesday), 18.00 h.
the exhibition was held
2010 06 29 – 07 17
On May 25th 2010 Argentine celebrates 200 years of the revolution that opened the way towards Independence. At this stage we propose to consolidate a new multicultural focus aimed at the recovery of the living history of our identity in its multiple manifestations and the transformations that this identity has suffered in these 200 years, contributing to a deep reflection on the affirmation of unity in diversity.
In order to continue with the bilateral relations between Argentina and Lithuania, started in 1991 we wish to go on participating and to achieve in this date, as part of the commemorative events, the graphic productions of our artists. Tango, Country symbols, costums, traditions, folklore, the city, the suburb are some of the subjects akin to our national heritage. They represent us and are widely dealt with here. Art, as always, is one of the means by excellence for communication between peoples and ever since man inhabits this planet has served as a link for unity and concordance
Rafael Gil, Nestor Goyanes and Matias Amici even though belonging to different generations share lithography as a technique their expression. In the case of Lidia Paladino there is a fusion of the burin’s technique and the manufacture of hand made paper. Juan Carlos Stekelman with the wood and lino printing and his characteristic feature of the hand printing discipline. Angus Vazquez and Carlos Scannapieco continue in the wide scope of the traditional techniques of printing on metal. María Vera employes polymer and Lorena Pradal, a young representative of the graphic art, communicates through photolithography. They all are artists with a recognized background in the local and international circuits and they exhibit images of great esthetic versatility, placing their materials and resources to the service of creativity.
The setting up of a new interchange between our communities is the collective effort of a group of professionals and institutions which continue believing in the building of this “Cultural Bridge”. With the support of the Cultural Business Direction of the Argentine Foreign Ministry, The Republic of Lithuania Embassy in Argentina, and The Vilnius Printmakers Center of the Lithuania Plastic Artists Association ,we hope that this proposition could be an excellent way to continue our cultural relationship and at the same time to keep alive our idea of Independence.
Patricia Cohen