2020 03 10 – 05 30

10th International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms VILNIUS 2020

  • Curators

    Nijolė Šaltenytė, Rūta Taukinaitytė-Narbutienė

  • Organised by

    Vilniaus Graphic Art Centre

  • Sponsors

    Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuanian Council for Culture, Lithuanian Artists‘ Association

  • Exhibition opening

    2020 03 10, 18.00 h.

  • Exhibition period

    2020 03 10 – 05 30

The International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms in Vilnius has been held since 1994 and this year marks the contest’s 10th holding. The fact that the Triennial retains its relevance, attracts numerous authors from a variety of countries, enjoys a loyal circle of old-timers and simultaneously lures emerging young artists to try their hand at it clearly shows how significant, trusted, competent and admired this event is in the world of graphic art.

This year’s exhibition features works by 81 creators from 19 countries around the world, notably Sweden, Poland, Japan and Belgium. Of course, Lithuanian creators are also actively participating in the event. The exhibition is proud to present a variety of techniques, genres and styles, ranging from figurative to abstract, expressive to minimalist, illustrative to conceptual, fantastic to artistic classics and from dramatic to comical motifs. This great variety is neatly summed up by dominant variant motifs of the human image. The broad spectrum illustrates both the relevance of the traditional, as well as the novel arts and highlights the importance of experimentation and technical conceptualization.

The colorful landscape of the triennial promises not only an exceptional acquaintanceship with small graphic forms, but also provides enriching artistic content for a broad audience. Audiences will be pleased to uncover and / or to reconnect with favorite genres, styles and stories.



Dr. Žygimantas Augustinas, Artist (chairman of the jury)
Kristina Kleponytė-Šemeškienė, Art critic
Jurga Minčinauskienė, Art critic
Dr. Ramutė Rachlevičiūtė, Art critic
Diana Radavičiūtė, Artist
Rūta Taukinaitytė-Narbutienė, Art critic
Regina Urbonienė, Art critic

Prize winners:

I Prize
David Moyer, USA

II Prize
Augustas Bidlauskas, Lithuania

III Prize
Laima Matuzonytė, Lithuania


For continuous self-reinvention
Danutė Gražienė, Lithuania

For fostering the intaglio technique
Veronika Siupka, Poland

For geometrical metaphors
Jurjen Ravenhorst, The Netherlands

For sensual monologues
Hye Jeong Kwon, South Korea

For visual alchemy
Anielo Scotto, Italy


Valentinas Ajauskas, Lithuania / Martin R. Baeyens, Belgium / Birgitta Bandi, Switzerland / Mikael Bergman, Sweden / Augustas Bidlauskas, Lithuania / Ewa Carlsson, Sweden / Haruko Cho, Japan / Piotr Ciesielski, Poland / Daniel Roberto Cocca, Sweden / Jole Di Costanzo, Italy / Lukasz Cywicki, Poland / Theo Damsteegt, Netherlands / Kristina Daniūnaitė, Lithuania / Julian Davies, UK / Tatjana Diščenko, Lithuania / Edvin Dragičević, Croatia / Olesya Dzhurayeva, Ukraine / Eve Eesmaa, Estonia / Inga Eičaitė, Lithuania / Monika Falke, Germany / Colin Gillespie, UK / Francesco Giordano, Italy / Danutė Gražienė, Lithuania / Hanna Grzonka-Karwacka, Poland / Daiva Gudelytė, Lithuania / Lena Hjelm, Sweden / Daliutė Ivanauskaitė, Lithuania / Kamilė Jadevičiūtė, Lithuania / Vaidotas Janulis, Lithuania / Ramunė Jundaitė-Misevičienė, Lithuania / Ann-Kristin Källström, Sweden / Toshimi Kitano, Japan / Isao Kobayashi, Japan / Taichi Kodama, Japan / Alja Košar, Slovenia / Vaiva Kovieraitė-Trumpė, Lithuania / Elvyra Katalina Kriaučiūnaitė, Lithuania / Asta Kulikauskaitė-Krivickienė, Lithuania / Hyejeong Kwon, South Korea / Fred Maës, Belgium / Marija Marcelionytė-Paliukė, Lithuania / Bernadette Maréchal, Belgium / Luc Martinsen, Belgium / Laima Matuzonytė, Lithuania / David Moyer, USA / Gunnar Nilmén, Sweden / Kristina Norvilaitė, Lithuania / Elisabeth Ödmann, Sweden / Zdzisław Olejniczak, Poland / Miwako Oso, Japan / Serena Pagnini, Italy / Irina Panaskova, Lithuania / Kathie Pettersson, Sweden / Nicolas Poignon, Germany / Karol Pomykała, Poland / Henry Pouillon, Belgium / Jurjen Ravenhorst, Netherlands / Ugnė Rudinskaitė, Lithuania / Aine Scannell, Scotland, UK / Aniello Scotto, Italy / Jolanta Sereikaitė, Lithuania / Weronika Siupka, Poland / Arta Skuja, Latvia / Masaaki Sugita, Japan / Maria Sundström, Sweden / Ingela Svensson, Sweden / Gerardas Šlektavičius, Lithuania / Toma Šlimaitė, Lithuania / Catherine Tam, Canada / Erja Tienvieri, Sweden / Kana Tsuchiya, Japan / Rafal Urbanski, Poland / Roberta Vaigeltaitė-Vasiliūnienė, Lithuania / Kelli Valk, Estonia / Vaida Varnagienė, Lithuania / Benjamin Vasserman, Estonia / Eglė Vertelkaitė, Lithuania / Nijolė Vilutienė, Lithuania / Cleo Wilkinson, Australia / Birutė Zokaitytė, Lithuania / Ugnė Žilytė, Lithuania

Link to the exhibition catalogue

Other exhibitions

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Arūnė Tornau. Dead Books
2024 11 07–12 07
Laisvydė Šalčiūtė. The Bestiary
2024 11 08–30
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