Hobbying Alternative Care Territories.
Justinos Zubaitės interviu su Algirdu Jaku / echogonewrong.com, 2021-03-03
‘Self-support Group’, a solo show by the Hamburg-based Lithuanian artist Algirdas Jakas, was due to open on 10 December 2020 at the Vilnius Graphic Art Centre (VGAC). Alas, as the second lockdown was put in place, the exhibition stayed ‘open’ only through images and the artist’s words. I caught myself looking at this documentation and, unusually, attempting to spend significantly more time with the images than I usually do. So I stayed longer: these artworks intrigued me by their tenderness and sculptural quality, topping the visual riddles with an invitation to step into the care territories of this exhibition. We emailed each other, and talked on the telephone and screen, attempting to offer some routes through the show in images, but also to discuss the real and desirable twists and turns in the art world.
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